About me

Nature holds a fascinating diversity of life and landscapes. As a global citizen, and having travelled a range of continents and ecosystems, I seek to explore this variation and to pass on my stories and experiences to increase knowledge and awareness about the wonders of the living world.

In times of unprecedented human impact on nature, we also have the responsibility to anticipate the consequences of our actions and help mitigating the negative impact. I hope to contribute to this through my scientific work, which is based at the intersection of biology, geoscience and climatology. [Would you like to know more about my research? This way!]

Creating change from new knowledge requires sharing the stories. That can happen in many ways – for instance:

  • we write them down: I like to make well-written stories even better. Language is a powerful tool, and sometimes a small tweak or removing slight errors can make a message much more effective. I have previously applied this in science publishing and greatly enjoyed the mediating role in distributing knowledge.
  • we translate text to graphs: this is where text and images meet to join powers. A single graph can summarise pages of text, and comprehensive messages are essential to provoke thoughts and induce change. This motivates me for such ‘translation’ work – and it’s also fun on the programming and design side!
  • we let pictures tell their stories all by themselves: sometimes an image alone can convey a message much more effectively than any word. I like the challenge of capturing an extensive story in a single image, and to showcase little details that might otherwise go unnoticed. [Check out my gallery for some examples!]

Through these tools, I hope to support impactful storytelling on different levels. This is central to create inspiration, emotions and awareness – for nature and other issues of our time.